The Mega Robo Weekly #3
Mega Robo Bros update! X365 News! How to deal with editorial notes! AND MORE??
I take back everything I said last week about Nita, Michael is in fact my favourite.
Anyway! Who wants a quick…
I am currently diligently working my way through edits on The Finale. Had a big ol’ meeting with my editors last week, which was great. There’s actually not too much needing done to it, touch wood, it’s just a question of a few points that need tightening up and clarifying to make sure the whole thing is as good as we can possibly make it.
My usual process with editorial notes works something like this:
STEP ONE: Editors raise a question / make a suggestion about something!
STEP TWO: I go into a massive sulk because obviously it was PERFECT to start with and the WORLD does not APPRECIATE MY VISION!
STEP THREE: I sleep on it. Maybe go for a walk?
STEP FOUR: I allow myself to entertain the possibility that my editors might actually be ‘good at their jobs’, and possibly even ‘know what they’re talking about’, and stuff?
STEP FIVE: I come up with something to address the note, realise that it actually makes the whole thing way better, start to get excited about all the possibilities created, and then GET ANNOYED WITH MYSELF
…uh, does that make me sound like a complete monster to work with? I like to think I remain reasonably civil and professional, even in the throes of such INTENSE CREATIVE ANGST as ‘people making minor constructive suggestions about my work’.
Anyway, I’ve been doing this a while, and have found the above process to be pretty hilariously reliable. In terms of the MRB finale, I am currently in the happy bit between steps four and five, and really excited for how it’s shaping up. But all must remain TOP SECRET for now!
Here’s a thing I CAN talk about: I got a giant load of boxes from the printers, containing…
…the X365 books! And they look great! And I have just drawn an absolute mountain of these sketches for those backers who get them:
…so it is all good to go! Should all be shipping out in the next couple of days, touch wood! Can’t wait for people to read them!
Not at all, my friend! I have a limited number of extra copies, and once I’ve sent out all the Kickstarter backers’ copies, I will be making them available for purchase. EVEN for people who live outside the United Kingdom! Uh, assuming we have an actually-working postal service again at some point? Anyway, watch this space for details, and make sure you’re subscribed to this very substack to hear when and how to get hold of a copy!