New Graphic Novel by Neill Cameron?! AVAILABLE NOW??!!
…it’s TRUE. Plus: upcoming live events!
I don’t know if there’s a particular button you’re supposed to press to signify Finishing A Kickstarter, but: I have finished a Kickstarter! My new graphic novel X365 has been printed and mailed out to all backers, except a handful of diehard holdouts who stubbornly refuse to complete their surveys and actually let me know their addresses. (I joke because I love! I have been That Guy on every single kickstarter I have ever backed. NO JUDGEMENT.)
Anyway, if you missed out on the kickstarter but would like to check this thing out for yourself, I am happy to announce that it is AVAILABLE NOW for purchase from my newly-reopened-for-the-occasion Bigcartel Shop, in handy Digital, Print and Deluxe editions, wherever in the world you are!
…WHILE STOCKS LAST. Please note that this is the only place to buy the book; I know in theory it is the kind of thing you would be able to get from me at comic cons, but I… am not planning to go to any comic cons this year? For reasons that are personal and emotional, but also just because I have quite enough germs in my life already, thank you.
(I am sick! I have been sick since before Christmas. I’m not sure at what point Covid starts to count as Long Covid, but one thing is clear: IT SUCKS AND I HATE IT)
Anyway: if you’d like to learn more about X365 before buying, you can:
read all about it on my website!
Read an interview with me over on Simon K Jones’ (excellent) substack, all about it!
Or just look at some of these nice pictures!

…it turned out nice, right? You should BUY IT NOW.
It’s been a really interesting process, this little dip of a toe into the crowdfunding waters, and I will share some reflections and lessons learned from the experience here with you in an upcoming newsletter. But right NOW I wanted to share with you some exciting news about various
On Saturday 18th February I will be at the Science Bazaar at Oxford Brookes University, doing a day of comics workshops. And what’s incredibly exciting about this for me is that I’m not just doing my usual schtick, but will be working with a couple of ACTUAL SCIENTISTS. Specifically:
In this interactive workshop, parasitologist Jack Sunter and comics artist Neill Cameron (Mega Robo Bros, The Phoenix) join forces to make comics exploring the fascinating world of parasites - nature's original transformers!
And then - and I’m REALLY excited about this one, we’ve got a couple of sessions of:
Can robots be good? In this interactive workshop, professor of AI and Robotics Nigel Crook and comics artist Neill Cameron (Mega Robo Bros, The Phoenix) join forces to make comics looking at the rise of moral machines, how robots might learn to make moral decisions, and what could possibly go wrong along the way!
Robots! Morality! WOLFRAM VERSUS THE TROLLEY PROBLEM! This one’s got it all.
It’s all happening Saturday 18th Feb, at the Oxford Brooke’s University Campus in Headington - find all the details here!
ALSO! It’s been a long time (there was a pandemic, you might have heard of it) but I am excited to be able to share that my buddy Zak Simmonds-Hurn and I are tentatively bringing back our old monthly Oxford Drink & Draw events! If you’ve not been to one of these things before: basically you just turn up and sit in a pub and draw and chat, it is EXTREMELY CHILL. The first one will be Wednesday 15th February, 7pm, at *PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE* The White Rabbit pub, Friars Entry, Oxford. And then, I guess, every month thereafter. Let’s see how it goes / if there are any more of those pesky pandemics lurking about. Any questions, give me shout!
All the good comics stuff happens in Oxford! Bah.
About a third into X365 so far and thoroughly enjoying it. I have Many Questions about the intriguing art style in the 'normal' world sections.