This week’s issue of the Phoenix sees the publication of the final episode of Mega Robo Bros, and I thought I ought to write something here to mark the occasion. I recently recorded a few short videos for the Phoenix’s Social Media Channels talking about this a little bit, which you can find over on my instagram. But I thought, for those of you who aren’t on that platform, or who prefer text to video, or who for entirely valid reasons just don’t want to look at my BIG WEIRD FACE, I’d share my answers here as a little Mega Robo Exit Interview / Q&A. And what’s more, I’m going to add a little BONUS COMMENTARY just for newsletter subscribers. I realise this is all very self-indulgent but, really: if not now, when? Alright, here we go:
PHOENIX QUESTIONER: How do you feel now that Mega Robo Bros is coming to an end?
NEILL CAMERON: That’s a tough one. It’s quite a big deal. I’ve been drawing it for like ten years. I think when I was drawing the last few episodes, when they were on the drawing board, I was getting a bit emotional. Not gonna lie, I was getting a bit emotional. I was feeling really sad to be saying goodbye to Alex and Freddy and all these characters. But, now that I’m actually finished, pretty much teh second I finished drawing it… I feel great! I’m so excited. I finished my story. I got to the end. I got it over the finish line. I think it’s a really good ending, too, and I’m just excited for people to get to finally read it. I hope you feel the same way when you get to the ending!
BONUS COMMENTARY: While the above answer *is* true, and was when I said it, it’s also a very simplified answer, that can fit into a short video designed for public consumption and specifically, with the young readership of the Phoenix in mind. The real answer, or rather the whole answer, is a bit more complicated. Yes, I did feel great upon finishing it. But now, as it comes to an end in the comic, there... have been a few more ups and downs. This is a story I have been working on / pouring my entire heart and soul into for the last decade plus, that represents a significant chunk of my life and work and that is intimately and specifically tied up with my experience of parenthood, the most important parts of myself, my purpose in life and basically my entire sense of self.
So… yeah.
Tl;dr: It’s been a BIT WEIRD?
PQ: How do you think readers will respond to the final episodes of Mega Robo Bros?
NC: Honestly, if they don’t all form a mob and start chasing after me with pitchforks band flaming torches, I’ll call that a win. That’s fine. No, I think there might be a few bumps along the way, but I think people are going to really love it. I’m really proud of the ending. I think it’s the best… it is the ending to the story, and I think we actually got it across in the way I’d hoped for. I think it is really exciting, and I can’t wait for you to get to read it.
BONUS COMMENTARY: I think we made it! I have not been murdered by an angry mob *yet*, anyway. I mean, yes, there was one week in particular - the week after *that* cliffhanger - where I decided it was probably for the best to abandon all forms of social media for a while. And then realised with horror that I was doing two live events at the Edinburgh book festival that weekend. But it was fine. There were quite a few anguished HOW COULD YOUs, sure, but for the most part everyone was very nice and I made it home without suffering death by pitchfork.
PQ: What will you miss most about the world of Mega Robo Bros?
NC: *Heavy sigh* It’s like these questions are trying to make me cry or something, which isn’t cool. I think what I’ll miss most will be the characters, just Alex and Freddy, their friends, their mum and dad even. Just all those characters… I know the’y re people I made up, but I kind of love them, and I’m going to miss sort of hanging out with them all the time, really.
And, just… I’ve really enjoyed writing stories in that world. Just… London! The Future! You know? Getting to tell stories about this country, but set in the future, and to try and make it - for all the evil robots trying to destroy the world and everything - to try and make it feel like a really fun, inviting future, a world where everyone is welcome and a world you’d want to live in. I’m going to miss that. I… yeah, I’m going to miss that.
…yeah, I don’t have much to add to that one.
Seriously, though. My genuine and heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s followed the story along the way - everyone who subscribed to the Phoenix, everyone who picked up the books, everyone who waited patiently when three books into publishing the series we decided to go back and change the way we did the books and start the whole thing again. I am enormously grateful. It has been a joy and a privilege beyond my ability to express that I got to do this thing, that I got to tell my story, and that I got to *finish* it. Thank you all.
…okay now please go buy all the books and read them again, cool, thank you.
Alright! I have studiously avoided talking about any of the specifics of the story here so as to preserve surprises. But, once it’s out there in the world, if any of YOU, dear readers - or any young persons of your acquaintance - have any questions about the story/ the ending/ any other Mega Robo-related business, do feel free to ask them in the comments here and I will try and do a big Q&A wrap-up in a big special SPOILERS-BE-DAMNED future edition of this newsletter!
Okay, in other stuff…
GREAT NEWS FOR READERS IN IRELAND! I am very excited to say I will be a guest at the inaugural (I think) JUMPING OFF THE PAGE Children’s Comic Book Festival. 4th-5th October, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. It sounds like a really brilliant festival, there’s loads of stuff happening, and the really fun part for me is that it’s not just me on my own doing my schtick - I get to play with a whole bunch of brilliant comics creators and put on a whole fun SHOW! Details and ticket info are here, please share with anyone you know who might be interested!
Okay, that’s it for now! I love you all, okay thanks bye.
As a reader, it’s always a bit weird and sad when a long-running thing you love ends. But it’s rare to think about this from the perspective of a creator. I hope you got to do all this on your own terms. You certainly from the Q&A seem happy with the way it’s ending. Good luck with whatever’s next.
Hi Neill, do you have any plans or thoughts to write short comic series, novellas, or other new material set in the universe of Mega Robo Bros?